Mój projekt
01.09.2018 - 31.05.2019
Cultural activities and projects with young people: The volunteer is able to take part in a wide range of different tasks and activities within the field of culture and young people aged 6-22. It can be all from assisting the personal with sewing and creating costumes for a large performance to assist the EU-coordinator with different applications and arrange youth conferences. One important task is to visit groups of young people in the cultue activities to inform them about EVS and talk about different opportunities for studying or working abroad.
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Europa jest dla mnie...
- ...more than a continent. It is a common space which describes a variety of countries which share both similar cultural heritages and the same believes. The believes in democracy, in tolarence, the human rights and the equality of all men and women. Although we are all different we share the desire to be part of this bigger collective. This is what I think makes Europe so unique. We are united in diversity and in that way uniquely in a pioneering role of modern society!
Marzę o...
- ...a united world, without discrimination, racism or inequality. But let´s keep it simple and let´s start with Europe! The best way to grow together as people is to get to know each other… and this is easily accomplished when spending time in another country! That´s why I would like to see more, to visit more and to get to know more people in Europe and all around the globe. I dream of unity through intercultural understanding and I believe in it!