Important things in my life
“It is more important to go slow and gain the lessons you need along the journey then to rush the process and arrive at your destination empty.”
― Germany Kent
Hi everybody! My name is Angelina. I'm from Belarus and I'm doing ESC project in Germany. I finally started to write blog! Why? So, it's a good question... I always want to share my experience with another people. When I started ESC project my life completely changed in a good way. I wanted earlier started to write blog, but I didn't know about this great platform.
Here I want to write as articles about project, events, seminars, training and also about traveling, because it's also part of project. When I'm talking with another volunteers and they say that their project it's only place where they are working, I'm every time disagree with them. I think project is a period of live, day at night. It's time, when you're with your friends, hanging out in a bar, it's parties, events, city life, people, traveling. That's why I want to write about it.
What is important for me?
We have a lot of things to do, and every day a lot of routine staff. But remember about most important! Maybe you've already heard this story about one professor and stones, if not just see this video. Why I wrote this? Because it's true. Look, we just spend a lot of time in hour life for small routine staff, and we don't have any time to create something special, what's really can contribute to the achievement of the goals.
Future is important for me, knowledge, education, job. Health, Family and Friends. And when now, I'm far away from home, I started truly appreciate time. It goes so fast! I don't believe that I've been already 4 months on the project! So, if you read this article, just don't waste your time, enjoy every moment, doing things for your better future and be happy!
Dream is also important in life. Just imaging, how you can live without dreaming? I can't. Everyday in my head thoughts, ideas and sometimes it's difficult. I need to write it down, not to forget. And dreams after turn into goals, goals into tasks, tasks into ready product. Don't forget to dream!
You are who you are! Just be the person who your are. Without any masks, without any fake emotions and you will see how will change life. I know it, because earlier i was exactly the same person, always thought that it's not enough, I know people who have more. But after, my life was like a competition who better. But I said STOP. Everybody has their own temp of life, but not turn your life into race.
And in the end, I just want that you write in a comments what's important for you in life and why? Maybe you are not agree with any things, we can discuss it together!