Rinkenaes...a new home
It was the second day in our flat in Rinkenaes when I asked myself how I will handle to move back home and live with my parents again in six monhs time. (although I like my parents...nothing against them here:))
Coming back after work on the third day already seemed like coming home. To be honest, it's almost a bit strange to me, how normal it feels to be here right now. It doesn't really feel like an adventure and I am not excited all the time because everything is new and there's so much to explore ( like I maybe shoud be?) just feels right.
Of course there are things I still have to ge used to, for example being dependent on only one bus per hour, getting up at 6 to catch the one bus, knowing only two other young people in "town"- roommate1 and roommate2 (good people to know has to be said!!!) and children in the Kindergarten, who expect me to understand their Danish.
However as soon as I sit on the kindergarten-floor a few seconds too long, about 5 little kids start to cuddle around me. And that's a feeling, worth all the little challanges:)