#2. My way to Stockholm
Writing these blog posts on a train to Stockholm is becoming a tradition that really makes me smile.
Pictures taken during 10 lucky minutes on my last time in Stockholm in 2018, running towards that view and then back to the bus station, because those pictures really were worth the run.
Every time I'm on my way to you the stomach is invaded by butterflies
So so long is always this way to reach you
From Hamburg to Copenhagen, from Copenhagen to Malmö
to Jonköping I‘ve travelled to get to you
I've flown to you, took bus rides, made train miles to get to you
Reaching you feels like releasing, letting go and finally allowing a huge happiness to invade me
as butterflies do with my stomach,
but the truth is
that the true bliss
is the journey.
This journey to get to you is the receipt for happiness.
Someone told me "tu non cercare la felicità semmai proteggila
È solo luce che brilla sull’altra faccia di una lacrima
È una manciata di semi che lasci alle spalle
Come crisalidi che diventeranno farfalle"
Yes happiness is in all these moments the journey is made of
Happiness is in the silence of this train
even when the head is hurting and the body is aching
and the view is fading
and the clock is waiving
and the hands are freezing
and the heart is breathing.
Stockholm the way to you is like this every time
long, incredibly long awaited
so long that every second gets its meaning
on a travel so fine
that it‘ll last a lifetime, mine.
Again in love with life.