"When I met the" Mercado da Terra" it caught my attention and I liked discovering initiatives like this during the months I was in Lugo with the European Interreg program (European Solidarity Corps).
Zeven uur wachten in een luchthaven, dan begin je je al eens te vervelen. Of toch niet. Seven hours of waiting in an airport, that could get boring after a while. Or maybe not.
In the same way as young people from Germany are making their EVS projects abroad, the young people from Europe are making their EVS projects in Germany. This is the story of few foreign EVS volunteers in Unterfranken.
Ich finde keine Zeit zum schreiben und im Internet sein – dafür jetzt meine ersten zwei Wochen in Reykjavík in bewegten Bilder und einem schönen Indiepopsong verpackt.