We are the PrOjeCt
We are the PrOjeCt. We are Port of Call Volunteering in a country like Greece, with 17 more people in a huge house and helping local people. There is no way that you don't like this.
I don't remember exactly how I found this project but I remember that when I read the information about it, I wanted to be there. Volunteering in a country like Greece, with 17 more people in a huge house and helping local people. There is no way that you don't like this! So, I applied and they accept me for the second project which started the 15th of January. They confirmed my participation at the end of summer! So, I have waiting and looking forward to go and participate in this project.
I went to Madrid, I arrived in Athens and here is where everything started. I was one of the first participants that arrived to the project so I remember every single person arriving at home and presenting theirselves. From that moment I already knew that Port of Call (the name of the project), would be amazing.
Due to the restrictions, we couldn't go our to the house in the first week, but this wasn't a problem, it was the beginning of the project and we were doing many activities and started to know each other, which was really cool. After the first week we started to know what we will do in our project, and to meet the people that we will work for and with.
Because of the restrictions we weren't allow to do as many things as we were supposed to do but, we were cooperating and helping in everything the organization told us.
The time passed so fast, and in only few weeks after it, here I am, at the airport writing down this text and remembering every single moment with the rest of the participants that at the beginning they were just unknown people but that nowadays they are part of my life.
Finally, I would like to thank every single person that has been part of my life during this project. Thank you so much for making this experience an unforgettable experience.
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