Reason to ESC
ESC is a way to fight against inequality
The objectives of the European Solidarity Corps: "building a more inclusive society, helping vulnerable people and responding to social problems. It offers the possibility to live an inspiring and enriching experience for young people willing to help, learn and grow".
From a psychological point of view, mobility is a potential resource for change, growth and personal development. It is thought that human behaviour takes place in the dynamic between the need for growth and the opposing needs for self-defence and protection, a successful ESC project occurs when the reason for growth and exploration exceeds the need for protection and people engage with each other in intercultural dialogue, challenging themselves through the encounter.
In our definition, mobility is the passage of individuals through cultures (between or within countries) or through a geographical movement or through a movement in the social hierarchy system.
Mobility implies separation from the known environment and immersion in a progressive adaptation to new cultural environments, which results in a set of changes in self-perception, attitude, behaviour patterns and in the development of new skills and competences.
Today, an increasing number of young people are long-term unemployed, suffer discrimination and situations of social exclusion and poverty, or are at risk of socioeconomic marginalisation.
The general theme of social inclusion has always been a concern: quality youth work, improving opportunities for young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) and youth entrepreneurship, the need to see the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in relation to diversity support.
European Solidarity Corps fighting for the defence of the weakest, the help of young people with fewer opportunities, solidarity with the most disadvantaged groups.
- Increased capacity to operate at European and international level
- Strengthening and innovation of its modus operandi towards the target groups
- Greater understanding and sensitivity to social, linguistic and cultural diversity
- The environment of the most modern, dynamic, committed and professional association
- Improvement of skills and competences for personal, educational, social, civic, cultural and professional development
- More active participation in democratic life and society in general
- Improving employability and the transition to the labour market
- A greater sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
- Increased self-employment and self-esteem
- Improvement of language skills
- Greater intercultural awareness
- Increased awareness of the European project and common EU values
- Greater motivation for greater commitment to solidarity activities
We believe that from the combination of the three activities on the list, volunteers can have the right balance between activities with a strong sense of solidarity and lighter and more creative activities.