Quality in Mobility
As the participant of the Erasmus + youth-mobility project of non-formal education, I questioned myself – how can we measure quality of my mobility project, or any mobility project and activity I am going to organize and participate in? Which criteria should I use to prepare and evaluate any youth-mobility project - if it is productive, meaningful and well-organized? From 22 - 24 July, 2019, I took a part in the training in Budapest, which was dedicated to the two new tools, created to use and increase quality in mobility.
Learning in mobility in the field of youth means the mobility of young people across countries, both inside and outside of Europe, in formal and non-formal learning environment. It is more about exchange programs, with the main goal of promotion and development of personal and professional competences, interpersonal and intercultural skills, communication and active citizenship. These competences, developed by young people, who take part in mobility experiences, contribute to the recognition of youth work and non-formal learning, as well as increase employment opportunities.
The European Platform on Learning Mobility launched in 2019 the two new tools to support quality in learning mobility projects in the youth field: the www.QualityMobility.app and the Handbook on Quality in Learning Mobility.
The 35 participants from 40 countries were the representatives of organizations active in the field of learning mobility in the youth field at national and European level, beneficiaries of grants from the European Youth Foundation, Erasmus+ (youth), the European Solidarity Corps; members of National Youth Councils, youth work networks; trainers from the European training communities who can use these tools in their training courses to increase quality in learning mobility projects for young people. These diverse and experienced quality ambassadors were working during the three days, mastering the Q! App and exploring the Handbook on Quality in Learning Mobility, as well as finding the ways of using and applying these tools in practice, and giving our reflections and feedback on the two new tools.
The Handbook:
The handbook has a set of 22 quality principles for mobility, as a tool for reflection to frame the overall discussion of quality in mobility and the detailed 119 quality indicators, functioning as a targeted check-list for organizers to ensure that learning outcomes of the project, as well as issues linked to inclusion, health and safety for participants, their active participation in the process are fulfilled. The quality handbook reveals and gives the principles and the indicators with more extensive explanations and references to relevant resources that provide further information, tools or examples of implementation in practice.
The Q! App:
The Q! App was developed in the framework of the European Platform on Learning Mobility in line with the Principles for Quality in Learning Mobility. The Q! App allows project organizers to implement a mobility project according to the quality principles and compare it with assessments of their colleague organizers. The Q! App also gives guidance to project organizers to a quality mobility project, by using the quality indicators and youth work resources. Project partners can collaborate together and develop their project in the app, download it for use in a funding application.
Using these two new tools in the field of youth, either you are organizing any youth mobility project or thinking about writing a funding application - the app and the handbook come in handy and organizers to prepare, do and implement more productive and qualitative work, project or activity in the field of youth.
The Principles for Quality in Learning Mobility - https://pjp-eu.coe.int/documents/42128013/47261953/Brochure+EPLM/7edf348a-e204-02a4-c502-686a494fea99
The Handbook on Quality in Learning Mobility - https://pjp-eu.coe.int/documents/42128013/47261953/Handbook+LM/3a5c103c-0367-4eba-1aca-ee544826f557
The Q! App - https://www.qualitymobility.app/