The first page of a new chapter in my life has been opened, do you want to hear the story?
"I did it all! I owned every second that this world could give. I saw so many places, the things that I did. Yes, with every broken bone I swear I LIVED!"
When the time comes and I am grey and old facing the inevitability of death I want to think back and be able to say this, so from this day forward I am starting a new chapter in my life. A scary chapter, yes! This is a time where I move out of my comfort zone and leave everything familiar behind, but that is exactly what live is about. To not only exist but to LIVE!
So if you want to follow me on my journey, maybe laugh with me, maybe cry with me, then you are very welcome to read this blog about my European Volunteering Service in Edinburgh.
The calender reads September 2nd, 2016 - 'This must be a mistake' I thought as checked my phone first thing in the morning. How can it already be the first morning waking up in my new home? Let me tell you, the past week was just flying by. So a few Goodbyes, Tears and Laughs at the airport later and I am sitting on my bed watching the cars outside the window of my flat pass by on the wrong side of the street.
My work won't start until Monday so I have the weekend to get used to everything and explore the city, I will start writing about my week soon, so feel free to tag along and I will see you in a few days.