
09.10.19, 12:08
I really like the way you've wrote about the story of your friends' education. You have a wonderful live material and this could have been a nice portrait of Germans, we cannot see from the outer side. While observing life in Berlin, and getting to know either migrants or wealthy Germans, I couldn't even think of such stories and gaps in a system. Thank you for opening this issue.
09.10.19, 12:08
Interesting report, definitely not the image that people from other countries have of Germany. For who is interested I would advise the documentary 'Docupy Ungleichland' about wealth inequality in Germany. You can find it on Netflix but atm is only in German
Francesca Cavallo
28.10.19, 14:40
Nothing is more hurtful than poverty. Most well-off people, especially intellectuals, live in their filter bubbles. They don't understand. They have no idea. Poverty must be felt at least once in order to be understood. The moment people understand it they will recognize it as maybe the biggest threat to democracy and mankind as a whole. Because its implications are simply wrecking this planet. Munich, Department of Mathematics