Fast Fashion - undressing misconceptions
a short report about one of my mini projects, a presentation about fast fashion
On April 27th I had the opportunity to present a project I’ve been working on for several months - what is fast fashion and how is it affecting us, other people and the planet. The passion for this topic started to appear about two years ago and ever since I came to Czech Republic and started my EVS, I knew I wanted to have a presentation about sustainability. So in November I decided for the specific topic, in December I wrote the project layout and collected my ideas, in January I finished the presentation and after that I had to wait. Finding a platform for these things is very hard - fortunately around this time we got to meet Lenka, an amazing person working at Eurodesk here in Ostrava. She was the biggest help I could’ve imagined in finding a school to present the work and raise some awareness.
The presentation went well, we discussed how companies make us buy things we don’t really want, how the workers are affected and the resources going into just a single piece of clothing - but not only that, we also talked about alternatives like fair trade fashion and even second hand stores.
In a nutshell I cannot describe how happy I am that people came, listened, participated and took something with them, hopefully we’ll be able to make this world a better place step by step.