First day at the organization - being 60min late!
my first day at Trendum, o.p.s. in Ostrava, Czech Republic
Yeah, this seems about right. Waking up, showering, eating breakfast - and all of the sudden it's 9am. "We planned to leave at like 8.45 and we have to be there at 9.30!" Sure, the tram isn't going to take very long.
Or is it? Yes, of course. So making a great impression, my group (a Portuguese girl, a Norwegian girl, a Turkish girl, a Spanish guy, a French guy and me, a German girl) showed up an hour late at the organization. Despite this gigantic fauxpas, the coordinator was extraordinarily nice and we started off with introducing ourselves again. Following that, each of us drew a face feature of the others and wrote down the answers of questions like "What do you like to look at?" and "What do you like to smell?", so each of us had a unique picture of ourselves in the end. We continued by writing down what we knew about the other's homecountries - and what we knew about Czech Republic.
During the lunch break we ate at a very Czech restaurant - meat and potatoes. Back in the organization it was all about Czech culture, my hosting organization and learning a little bit of Czech.
Back at home I cooked a lentil and potato stew for the six of us with a little cutting help and we went out for a walk after - let's see, what tomorrow brings.
Dobrou noc!