Exciting news - getting mini projects started!
more independent work and creating our own projects
Oh my, we are making big steps towards the realization of our own projects and I cannot tell you, how rewarding this feels. One aspect of the EVS is becoming more independent not only in your own personal life, but also regarding your work.
That's why Joana and I started to write a couple projects at the beginning of this year to take our independent work to the next level, it is important to us to walk out of this knowing we created our very own thing. A couple weeks ago we had the opportunity to meet Lenka from Eurodesk who is basically now unlocking all the doors we've been standing in front of, giving us so many new opportunites for our EVS.
So this week we had a great presentation about EVS, what it is, how to take part, etc. in a Gymnázium here in Ostrava - and as it happends in the professional world, those kind of projects lead to new opportunities. We will now be able to help out at this school with several different langauge clubs!
But that's not all, in April and May there's going to be even more presentations at other schools, the project's name "A different tomorrow" describes exactly, what we want to create, that is a different future for the students living in Czech Republic right now. Many of them simply don't have the information that is going to empower them and shape the future of their own country and this also includes breaking down barriers between people, so we can all live, work and create together. Education and the promotion of tolerance and empathy is our challenge here and we're more than just looking forward to change things.
So let's cheer for more and more empowering opportunities and support for Czech Republic's youth!