Is it worth it to read "The Second Sex", published seventy years ago? Although from that time onwards there has been progress in terms of women rights, still a lot has to be done to reach gender equality. De Beauvoir teaches us a lesson on how is important to critically think the society we live in, and to not passively accept the role of "Otherness" that it has been imposed to us.
Even if they are not cute as cats and dogs, insects deserve to be respected and protected. Indeed, they are very important living beings for several reasons.
How to reach gender equality? It is fundamental to give immediate and practical hep to the victim of violence, harassment, and discrimination, but it is also important to inform those that deny the existence of patriarchy or neglect the problem. That's why I decided to read essays about feminist theory.
Wir bastelten, zeigten ständig unsere Kreativität, bereiteten einen Tanz für Tag der offenen Tür vor, organisierten ein Talk-Show, womit wir unsere ESK-Geschichte mit dem Publikum teilten, besuchten Berlin und hatten immer mega viel Spaß
Racoons are native from North America, and they were introduced in Germany in the 20th century because of their fur. Today, there is about one million of exemplars in the country.
Berlin is the most populous city of the European Union, counting around 3.7 million residents. It is the most extended metropolitan center in Germany while offering many green spaces like no other city
Every year in August in the second-biggest city of Hungary takes place the amazing Flower Carnival, a celebration that can take your breath away with its beauty.
Ich musste selbst Zeugin der schockierenden Ereignisse in Tiflis werden. Erst nach einiger Verarbeitungszeit möchte ich versuchen, das Thema in einer Reportage zu verarbeiten.
Some practical tips to change our habits in an eco-sustainable way. Rivers, lakes, sees, oceans, and all the organisms that live there would be grateful!