The first thing you hope to do when you arrive in a new country is to explore it as much as possible. But how can you travel to Hungary? Is it possible to do it through public transport or is it better to organize a road trip by car?
On the 17th of June 2021, the Italian ambassador received a letter signed by the Vatican's Secretariat. In the letter, the Catholic Church protests against a draft law that punishes discrimination and violence due to homo-transphobia.
Mit einer höchst komplexen Geschichte und sehr vielen Beteiligten stellt der Nahostkonflikt eine riesige, internationale Herausforderung dar. Jede:r ist dazu aufgefordert, sich mit der Problematik zu beschäftigen.
Youth unemployment in Europe and how the EU tries to implement solutions to tackle this problem with the reinforced ‘Youth Guarantee’ under the frame of the ‘Youth Employment Support’.
Less than 30 km from Debrecen, Hungary has an amazing Natural park, incredibly important for the environment and the natural preserving of the flora and fauna of the nation that is part of the UNESCO's humanity patrimony since 1999.