Youth unemployment
There is no doubt that youth unemployment is a problem of nowadays society so this report is searching for options to deal with this current situation.
It is in the zeitgeist that unemployment hampes young people to develop their careers as to the way that they have to emigrate to foreign countries in order to find a proper ob. This essay will seek to examine two ways in which youth unemployment could be managed and improved in countries such as Spain.
Without a shadow of doubt, the educational system should evolve to a practical teaching since kids start schools, but, especially in superior education like university students. The first part of call which we need to bear in mind is the importance of putting into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired. One of the main requirements to apply for a job is the experience that the applicant has. Nevertheless, how can young people gain it if they are not given the chance? With this in mind, it is crystal clear that providing students with practical subjects ought to set a positive impact in their professional development. This also allows them to develop a convenient self-esteem.
Additionally, the practice part that usually students have at the end of the degree, which mainly they consist in 300 or 500 hours in most of the degrees, they should be done from the very beginning in order to acquire the capacities that we’re asked after our degrees, which most of students don’t have. It should be provided every educational year and they should be remunerated and not been used as a way for the company to have free workers. It is really frustrating that young people, after finishing their studies and being well prepared with languages and so on, have to go through this in order to gain the experience they’re asked for so as to be hired.
A further point we should not overlook is the growing trend of elderly people retiring so late. Some experts claim that this is caused due to the inversion of the population pyramid that leads to inability to meet pensions. This suggest that governments might provide citizen with a suitable legislation that promotes youth employment in detriment of late retirements. Not only it is going to benefit young people that will have higher possibilities to get a job but also it will be enthusiastically welcomed by the elderly.
In conclusion, in light of the points mentioned above, my contention is that providing an adequate practical teaching as well as implementing measures and laws that support investments in youth contracts should be a good opportunity of a development of a country and an improve in citizen wellbeing.