Play it out – my first training course
A story about 24 people from 8 countries with more than 11 nationalities who become kids again in a training course. "Play it out!"
From the 12th to the 18th of October I had the chance to experience my first training course. “First” because the organization where I volunteer organizes several of them and also ERASMUS Youth Exchanges during a year and I am able not only to help planning them but also take part in some of the activities. This course was called “Play it out!” It is meant for people who work with youngsters or kids for example kindergarten or primary school teachers, leisure time center workers or even scouts. In this week they were supposed to learn different types of games, how to use them for informal education and also what competences you can strengthen with them.
24 participants came to Ostrava, Czech Republic from 8 different countries. I really enjoyed this multicultural atmosphere, as they were from countries like Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, Malta, Estonia or Latvia- countries that I have never been in touch with. We learned a lot from and about each other during this time and I am sure I will meet some of them again soon!
Let’s talk about the Training Course itself. To be honest, it was really, really exhausting. I had to leave the house at 8am and didn’t come back before 9 or 10pm. So laundry and dishes just piled in my room up to infinity during these days. BUT: It was so worth it.
In my EVS I work with primary school kids twice a week and after this project I just have so many ideas in my mind what to do or play with them!
We had about 3 different trainers and each of them taught us different aspects of games. One day we talked about communication and how board games can be used to strengthen this skill. The other day it was all about teamwork. We played indoor and outdoor games, different types of cooperation and also different strategies where required. The 24 of us where a really good team, I was a little surprised how well the group dynamics were working. We were kids for 7 days again. We were the players, not the teachers. And we had SO much fun.
The program was really various. After a physically challenging outdoor game came an indoor game where strategy and cooperation was needed. We had theoretical parts and learned about evaluation methods (main lesson I learned: a game teaches us nothing if we don’t evaluate its process afterwards!) and after that played some energizers to wake ourselves up again. We found our new favourite card game (it’s Jungle Speed, simple but funny^^) and I started checking if some games exist in Germany too so I can play them with my friends at home. I surely will come home with a bunch of new board games in my backpack ^^
After all, I can only recommend taking part in international training courses if you have the possibility. There is so much to learn and earn from it and it was a really amazing time!
Ps: I attached a lot of pictures that show different games and the variety of the program and people! Check ‘em out!
If that's not enough there is this fabulous video about the whole week oneYouTube:
It turned out really good!