Taktshang (Tigernest) in Bhutan, April 2019


17.09.20, 16:55
You’ve grown do much these past years and I am so very proud of you for everything that you’ve done and for the person you have become!
17.09.20, 18:09
Blumen Blumen blühen Blumen blühen bunt Blumen blühen Blumen Sonne Sonne scheint Sonne scheint schön Sonne scheint Sonne Wasser Wasser was Wasser was bruda Wasser was Wasser
Franz K.
17.09.20, 18:10
I like this story very much. This is what life is like.
17.09.20, 20:27
We cannot change our past, but we can form our future. As you said we usually try to hide the unexpected behind an illusion of security. But exactly the unexpected and unpredictable is what makes life exciting. It is not something we have to fear, but something we should remind ourselves.
22.09.20, 09:39
Sehr interessante, inspirierende Gedanken. Danke dafür!