There are important topics that we have to address throughout the year, with special weeks of campaigning in order to attract more global attention to the issue. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November.
The Zan law proposes to include sexual orientation and gender identity within the current legal framework on hate crimes and hate speech, intervening on the penal code. History of a debate that has been going on for 25 years
This article discusses the introduction of a third gender option for intersex individuals in Germany, and explores the discussions about non-binary identities that this law change has instigated, particularly amongst young people.
This article explores the relationship between fashion and politics, with a particular focus on the differences between how the physical appearance of men and women are discussed by the media and within wider society.
Politisch korrekte Sprache ist ein Thema, welches mache Menschen dazu bringt, laut aufzustöhnen während andere sich in Argumenten ereifern: Ein kleines Plädoyer für eine Sprache, die nicht diskriminiert
Wir können die Unterschiede zwischen den europäischen Ländern auch durch die Art und Weise, wie LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)-Rechte berücksichtigt werden, verstehen.
This article explores the impact that a lack of free-to-use toilets has on women from low-economic backgrounds, while also looking at some of the attempts which have been to make these facilities more accessible.
On the 19th December 2018, Jeremy Corbyn allegedly referred to Theresa May as a “stupid woman”. This article explores the difference between calling someone a “stupid person” and a “stupid woman”, while also looking more widely at the role that gender and sexism play within within both British and European politics.
Der Libanon ist einer der liberalsten Staaten des Nahen Ostens, auch wenn um Frauenrechte geht – Aber sorgen vielleicht nur negative Beispiele wie Saudi-Arabien für dieses gute Image? Wie steht es um Frauenrecht wirklich im Libanon?