Youth and expectations
What does society expect from young people and is it okay not to meet the standards?!
Being a kid and always dreaming to be part of the ’’real world” with full of expectations, stigmas and thousands of versions of yourself created by other people which does not fit you in most of the cases. To be successful is the goal. But no one asks what that exactly means for every single one of us. Is it financial sustainability? Being happy? And most importantly, does society give us time to figure it out? When do we know what we want? When do we experience things before we take responsibilities? Is being confused okay? "Are you lost in your life" is "you are still looking for your place"?
Success, happiness, well-being are subjective things and we have every right to find our own definition of it. We have as much time as need to figure it out or just being in search of something as long as we want to and by “we” I mean everyone, who’s in middle 20s, 30s or even 70s. It is okay to be lost, not to know where to go next.
There are some major expectations from society which most of us are seeing right now:
Get an education, as fast as possible. Being educated is a standard and there is no success, well-being or happiness without it. We all should fit in the frame employers ask.
But does everyone need to be educated? Should you feel insecure without it? - Absolutely no.
Can you be the best version of yourself without it? - Absolutely.
To be part of the community, to belong to something. To have values of something you haven’t been able to adjust on yourself. To live for community, that sets goals for you. We all know that being united makes us feel more powerful, makes things easier but the thing one should never forget is that it is absolutely okay not to feel part of it even though you are meant to be there. It is okay to be your authentic self and look for you place somewhere else or just being in piece with yourself.
Relationships. Sometimes society expects you to get married at some age, or have a relationship. If not you aren’t good enough, you are living without purpose and everything you do is just a waste or simply wrong. Well, guess what?! Wrong, again. We are allowed to be alone as long as we want to or to be with anyone.
To have it all figured out. Just simply as it sounds. To have a perfect plan for the next 10 years. To be financially stable, with a happy family, good education background and so on. But, you, me, anyone who is still on her/his way to break the loop of the circle we are living right now, it is important to know, that it is okay to be the way we are. It is just fine to disappoint people who built some expectations for our lives. At the end of the day, loving ourselves is not anyone else’s job, but ours and we can’t do it while watching other people writing our story.