Refugees welcome (but not so much).
If you see the facebook's home page, a lot of people show pride the flag of "Refugees welcome". But how many people know really the policies of their countries about the refugees?
Berlin, London, Paris, Madrid etc ... Guys from all over Europe, show pride on facebook, the flag symbol of the moment, or "Refugees welcome". Let me be clear, mine is not a criticism of these guys, who make a gesture appreciated. But at least it is a question to find out if they really know the policies of the countries where they live, about refugees.
For example, countries such as France and Spain, are famous for not being very flexible in terms of reception policies. In addition, like the countries of northern Europe, often they have appreciated the work that plays Italy, about the daily save hundreds of lives in the Mediterranean Sea. But none of these countries is exposed when it comes to welcoming some of these people.
My question now is: is more important to show the flag "refugees welcome" or ask their governments to do something concrete to host these poor people who flee from war and hunger?
The Europe is, or should be, an institution where different countries come together to find solutions to common problems. In this way we are losing what is the royal road of Europe. And as long as there are countries that build walls, and block the refugees on the border of the country, I do not accept to see flags "Refugees welcome". I would like to see people doing something concrete. As people living in the island of Lampedusa, that every day give shelter to hundreds of refugees, give them food, blankets and assistance. Yet they show no flags, and are almost unknown in Europe.
In this case i would say, Refugees welcome.
Carmine Lentini, 22/11/2015, Berlin.