Beyond borders, a bit of philosophy
In this short contribution, I deal with my view of crossing borders and the philosophy derived from my experience.
There are number of lessons, that I learnt during my short visits abroad. I would like to share some small portion of my acquired, humble, but valuable knowledge.
When I was 19 years old, I won an essay competition and met 150 different people of 100 nationalities. Most of them were students at foreign universities. At that moment, I realized that when I finish my uni, I would like to work in international team, people full of joy to talk, different thinking, which has always inspired me, because I value different approaches and different solutions that are smart.
Pluribus unum. Unity in plurality or diversity. When I met other people at other conferences and events during the years, whether it was Paris, Brussels, Prague, Munich, Amsterdam or other places, just to name a few, everytime I met someone new I felt enriched and fortunate. There are still better people than you to learn from, and I have to say, that I was fortunate to meet good people only.
Knowing other people and other cultures gives us reflection and incentive to learn. Creating open society, where we tolerate and better know each other can creat bounds that last for entire life.
I know it from my own experience. Multicultural societies are richer, more creative and can benefit from mutual cooperation. When people are given a chance, I believe they can thrive and make valuable contribution to societies.
We live in the era of turmoil, era of uncertainity, people fear risk, they fear job loss, immigrants, poverty or war, they feel vulnerable, in economic way, security issues, health risks or life or in personal issues.
I heard many stories of people who experienced war, dictatures, feared prosecution but were true leaders, personalities, and today they are successful and well established in areas of their expertise. I heard many stories from people as we are This can happen to anyone and this is main reason why I think open society, based on solid truly democratic and just principles, is the answer or prerequistie to sound solutions of problems we face nowadays.
People should not be judged upon their nationality, color, descent, religion, wealth level, or income census, but according to their character.
I think that world ins full of conflicting interests and that people are really in fear. But exactly, they are fearing the same people as they are. And dividing them from each other is not, the happiest way to deal with it. Everywhere there are good and bad people. But this does not mean that one bad apple makes bad entire barrel.
To be frank, my message is not any kind of scientific contribution or easy solution to complex issues just to come as it is. But I know one thing.
I do not know who first said it, but one of the most elemental of human fears is the fear of the unknown. This quote rings true. Fear divides people but if people start to talk, things always get better and at the end, all people are the same, they want to make friendship, be happy, have interests as everyone else and are vulnerable and sensitive for their families and believe in some kind of good in principle.
I am grateful for people who were of different cultures and did accept me what makes me obliged to deal with different people in the same way. It is a principle. We are all citizens of the world.
At the end, by communicating, by traveling by cooperating, we create win win solutions and we better understand each other, we are able to mediate, to resolve conflicts or to create unforgettable and valuable things. We know more than we did. We stepped beyond borders, we have crossed them, not only in physical world, but also in our minds. What makes us way to further level, to improvement, to greater fortune and new inspiration.
We should be generous to foreigners, because one never knows, whether he or she, does not become foreigner once.